Jean-Michel Jarre


French electronic musician Jean-Michel Jarre has released an “infinite music app” called EōN, using an algorithm to turn seven hours of beats, melodies and chords he recorded into an endless stream of music. Each time a user taps into the app, a new and unique piece of music plays along with equally new and unique graphics on their smartphone screen.

The app is being released for iOS devices as a paid download and it costs $8.99. An Android version will follow soon. The app has been in development for some time and Jarre worked with Sony Computer Science Laboratories to create generative visuals to accompany the music while the app itself was the result of a collaboration with French music apps developer Bleass.

While others, notably Brian Eno, have created generative music apps, Jarre says EōN is different. “The app combines man and machine as the algorithm weaves together original material – beats, melodies and textures,” he said as he launched it at Web Summit in Lisbon in a press event hosted by music:)ally. “It’s different from a generative music app. It’s not a linear and ambient music type of app.”

He regards it as working hand-in-hand with his other musical projects. “It’s really opening new frontiers – a new way of listening to music and also experimenting with music’s relationship with visuals,” he said. “It is not a background music app. It is something that is like an album that could continue to grow and evolve after my death and after yours as well.”

He also sees it having a role in his high production live shows. “Lots of concerts are based on a fairly fixed format,” he suggested. “I like the idea of using technology in a more free way and offering the audience the possibility of having a different experience every night.”

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