
DJ Khaled, taking time out from repeatedly posting the key emoji on Twitter and making controversial comments about his refusal to return certain favours to his wife, is partnering with Bumbu rum to make a video where he mocks the “goat yoga” trend (where grown adults pay actual money to go in a pen and have baby goats clamber all over them as they pull yoga shapes).

In the video, Khaled sits in a yoga pose with his teacher who advises him, “To become the goat you must be one with the goats.” Cue some goats (wearing hats, gold chains and feather boas) climbing on him and when encouraged to “bring out the inner goat in you”, he starts bleating. The tagline at the end is, “Bumbu – the Greatest Of All Time” (with a hammer hitting you over the head to pay attention to the use of an acronym here). It’s all – of course – a load of nonsense. But nonsense sometimes works. In this case, however, it all feels terribly contrived. The target for mockery seems obvious and, even then, the jibes are not particularly forceful or on point. It does, however, raise interesting questions within marketing around the curious ambition of “going viral” as if that was a goal in and of itself. This feels precision engineered to “go viral” but, in doing so and drawing such attention to its constituent parts, ends up as a selfdefeating exercise. A timely reminder that just because you conceive something as a “viral hit”, it does not always follow that it becomes a “viral hit”.

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